Sunday, September 09, 2007

How great is our God?

I was following along the theme of our morning worship service just fine until we got to the 3rd song, where I was diverted and never quite made it back (sorry, Gregg).

Somewhere in the middle of singing “How Great is Our God” I suddenly wondered, Do I believe in God’s greatness? Really believe? (Warning: inadequate, somewhat silly analogy ahead) If I could place all the seemingly overwhelming issues in my life on one side of a scale and place God on the other, do I believe that God would outweigh them? More to the point, do I really believe Jesus understood as fact what he said when he announced that he was the fulfillment of God’s promise to preach good news to the poor, release captives, restore sight to the blind, release the oppressed, and restore us to our place as His children?

Or do my actions (or lack of) testify that I believe he was just putting us on?

"... this is my prayer. ... that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit which will make you realize ... how tremendous is the power available to us who believe in God. That power is the same divine energy which was demonstrated in Christ when he raised him from the dead..." Eph 1:16-20


Gregg Koskela said...

I don't want you to apologize for thoughtfully reflecting on and encountering God in worship...that's sort of the point, you know! :)

Maybe the fact that you haven't given up on life altogether after the past few years is a sign that you really DO believe in the greatness of God.

Krista said...

I'm a friend of LuAnne's so that's how I found your blog.
I like it. Thanks for writing!