Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In the Philippines - 1

Yvonne & I are currently in the Philippines for Megan's graduation. Yesterday evening we were given a tour of the new Faith Academy auditorium (still under construction) which will be named in honor of Yvonne's mom & dad, Dick & Helen Cadd. I just had to share this. It is an amazing, state-of-the-art concert and theater auditorium, but the entire complex will also contain all the fine arts disciplines at Faith, plus meeting rooms & a prayer room.

Everyone who knows Yvonne's parents agrees that this is a very fitting memorial for Dick & Helen, for the contributions they made not just to Faith Academy itself, but to the lives of hundreds of students who were inspired and enriched by the Cadds' investment in their lives.

Sorry for the layout mish-mash...


Miriam said...

Wow, that's enormous. Where exactly is that situated? I can't imagine a space that big on the Faith campus.

Can't wait for more pictures! Love you!

Mike said...

What an awesome and appropriate tribute to the Cadd' s many years of service in that country!

Thanks for posting those pictures!


denise said...

I had the oppotunity to sit in on a bit of Women's Bible Fellowship yesterday and witnessed the women spend time in prayer for Yvonne. Just wanted you to know. The new facility at Faith is so exciting, and what an appropriate tribute to Von's folks! I'm SO glad you guys are there...

Anonymous said...

glad yvonne is feeling better today.