Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy Anniversity!

Every 17th of December Yvonne and I look at each other and say “What in the world were we thinking, getting married in the middle of the Christmas season?” At the time, Christmas seemed like a wonderfully magical time to get married; each year afterward, however, Christmas has been a lousy time to try to celebrate an anniversary.

Last year we went to a very nice restaurant, and over the course of the evening’s chit-chat with the waitress it came out that we were celebrating our anniversary. At the end of the dinner she brought the check, and at the top had written “Happy Anniversary” – or so I thought at first glance, but when I looked again I realized she had misspelled anniversary and wished us a “Happy Anniversity”, with a big smiley face.

Even while we laughed about it we acknowledged that, in truth, there was a lot of adversity mixed in with the anniversary. Marriage and child rearing are not for the timid or faint of heart, and there’s a lot of wear and tear involved in making a relationship work long term. There were a few years when marriage was a hard slog, and a couple when we wondered whether it was worth the effort.

But 29 years later I can still say, as I’ve said before, that while I’ve never understood what lapse of judgement caused her to fall in love with me (see photo, above), it was the best thing that ever happened to me and I’ve been grateful for it ever since.

Happy Anniversity, indeed :)


Hannah Rose said...

Well I'M pretty darn happy you guys got married! And I can definitly see why she fell in love with you daddy. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the HAIR!

Anonymous said...

This is a great picture, Walt. The belts, the hair, the cars... The church seems to be missing the prayer and flower rooms, unless they're just not in the picture. Very fun. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Alan, you're correct; this photo was taken before the renovation that created those two rooms.